Category: Pet Insurance

If you've just gotten a brand new puppy and reside in a condo, potty training come with some challenges. Most apartments do not have a fenced-in area off each apartment that you could let your dog out into to potty. Toilet training your dog inside your apartment requires you to take them outside on the […]

With America's birthday just in our rearview mirror, we thought we'd take the time to share and celebrate a lot of our favorite US based pet products. Not only do many of these companies create their products in the US, however they almost all do operator in giving back to the community.  Next time you're […]

Walking through the shelter, there are so many animals lining the kennels, but there are lots of not on display. Those animals with medical needs are the highest rick for euthanasia because of the time and cost related to ailments and injuries. For a rescue to take in these tougher cases of medical dogs, they […]

Ever since I became a pet parent, my social networking feed is now filled with pet related videos, especially my 'For You Page' on TikTok. My favorite finds have been veterinarians providing insightful advice whilst throwing in a fun spontaneity. Who better to get advice from than our veterinary heroes?  Thanks to the wonders of […]

“Parvo,” also known as the canine parvovirus (CPV), might as well be called “the pup killer.”  While this highly contagious virus can attack older dogs, it's unvaccinated puppies at most risk. Easily transmitted, environmentally stable parvo lives up to its infamous legend, infesting and tearing up a dog’s gastrointestinal system, often a death sentence. A […]

If your dog is misbehaving out of character, acting “unusual” or “oddly,” and absolutely nothing you need to do seems to remedy it. There may be something more severe going on. Often, underlying issues go overlooked or get related to animal instinct, or even  breed. But as sentient beings, dogs have mental distress too, and […]

When it comes to how you can potty train a dog, there are lots of things that you’ll have to teach them. One of these simple is where to potty. Potty training a dog can be frustrating sometimes, and others can feel super easy. This short article contains many tips and tricks on how to […]

Many have either seen or heard something described as “mangy.” From the living creature for an old jacket, it can carry some profoundly negative connotations. Often, “mangy mutt” describes a dog who appears lost at sea, with what appears like stone skin. Mange is skin diseases due to mites, affecting not just animals but also […]

At one time or another, have you ever believed to yourself, “I must have gone with my gut-“? When it comes to probiotics for dogs, you are doing precisely that- going with the gut. Because good bacteria (probiotics) naturally occur in our big and small intestines. When functioning correctly and looking after a proper microbial […]