Category: Medicare

A government shutdown will have far-reaching effects for public health, including the nation's response to the current, difficult flu season. It will also disrupt some federally supported health services, experts said Friday.In all, the Department of Health insurance and Human Services will send home – or furlough – about half of its employees, or nearly […]

With the clock ticking on the current stop-gap bill that funds the us government through Feb. 8, Congress is steeling itself to think about another must-pass budget bill. And, once more, health care might be caught within the crosshairs. During previous debates over government funding, it had been the high-profile Children's Medical health insurance Program […]

In a rare show of bipartisanship for the mostly polarized 115th Congress, Republican and Democratic Senate leaders announced a two-year budget deal that will increase federal spending for defense in addition to key domestic priorities, including many health programs. Not within the deal, for which the road to the president's desk remains unclear, is any […]