Category: Medicare

Saturdays at Mercy Medical Center was once perversely lucrative. The dialysis clinic next door was closed on weekends. That meant the downtown Baltimore hospital would see patients with failing kidneys who should have attended the dialysis center. So Mercy admitted them, collecting around $30,000 for treatment that typically costs hundreds of dollars. “That's the way […]

For years, confusion has surrounded the conditions under which seniors can receive physical, occupational and speech therapy included in Medicare. Services have been terminated for some seniors, for example those with severe installments of multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease, because therapists said they weren't making sufficient progress. Others, including individuals dealing with strokes or traumatic […]

The woman arrived at the emergency department gasping for air, her severe emphysema causing such shortness of breath that the physician who examined her put her on a ventilator immediately to help her breathe. The patient lived across the street in the emergency department in suburban Denver, said Dr. David Friedenson, who looked after her […]