Dog Impulse Control: 4 Exercises for Better Behavior

Do you wish your dog would do things like have patience and wait for you? This is known as impulse control and many dog owners wish their dog had more of it, therefore if that includes you, you’re not alone.
There are lots of benefits to your pet having better treatments for their impulses.
By teaching your dog impulse control, you are able to help your pet to become a well-mannered and easy-going pup.
What Would be the Benefits of Dog Impulse Control?
Impulse control could be best referred to as self-control for your dog. Teaching your pet to have self-control can be quite useful in many situations.
Impulse control helps your pet to learn to hold back patiently for things that they may want. It can also help them learn to stay calm when something thrilling happens. Impulse control is a superb and very simple behavior that you could teach any dog.
These are the main reasons that you may wish to teach your pet impulse control.
Exercises that you can do to Improve your Dog's Impulse Control
These are a few exercise and training tips that you could try to help teach your pet impulse control. It might take some patience on your part to teach them, but by following some of these simple commands, your pet can learn to wait and be patient.
Exercise 1: Crate and Doorway Rushing
Some dogs always desire to be the first with the door. This exercise can help teach your dog to wait and let you feel the door after which follow you thru.
- When you first go into the area in which you have your dog's crate or when you’re about to feel the doorway, provide your dog a few minutes to settle down and become calm.
- Once they are settled, ask your dog to sit down or lie down.
- When your pet is sitting or laying, slowly open the door or even the crate.
- If your pet gets as much as go through the door, close the door and get them to sit or lay down.
- Repeat, trying to open the door. If your dog gets up, put them back into the sit or down position.
- At first, you may want to repeat these steps often before your pet will remain within the desired position until you have opened the doorway. As the dog’s training progresses, the number of times that your dog will have to be reminded in which to stay the correct position will decrease.
- Once you will find the door open, provide your dog their release command and allow them to come through the door.
Exercise 2: Place a Treat in your Fist
- Put your dog treat, like a piece kibble, in your fists. Put your fist having a treat inside it in front of your canine's nose.
- Your dog will try to paw, lick, and sniff at the fist to get at the treat, but do not surrender. Just ignore their attempts to attempt to obtain the treat.
- Once your dog has stopped attempting to attack your hand for treats, give them a break having a treat out of your contrary. Once you discover that the dog starts to leave your fist alone when they're presented with the treat in the closed fist, after that you can proceed to the next step.
- Now show your pet your fist with dog treats in it. When the dog ignores your fist using the treat, slowly open you to show them the treats. If your dog rushes you when you open your fist, quickly close your fist. When your dog leaves your open hand full of cookies alone, provide them with a goody in the opposite hand. Once your dog can consistently leave the treats inside your open hand alone, you can then move on to the next step.
- With your fist open showing your dog the treat, take a treat from the open hand, and give the treat to your dog. If your dog quickly rushes for the treat, close your fist. When your dog begins to patiently wait for you to provide them with the treat, they are able to then receive their reward.
Exercise 3: Waiting for Their Meal

- Put your pet in a sit or perhaps a down position and reward with a treat.
- Slowly begin to place the food bowl before your dog. When they get up or lunge for the food bowl, stand support and put your dog back into a sit or down position. Then attempt to place the bowl on the floor again.
- Once you can put the bowl on the floor, cover the bowl with your hands. In case your dog begins to try to nudge at your hands for that food, keep covering their bowl. If your dog stays within their laying down or sitting position, slowly remove your hands from the bowl. In case your dog lunges for the bowl, cover the bowl back up together with your hands and check out again.
- Once you can place the bowl on the ground and uncover it, without your dog moving from the sitting or down position, you are able to give the release command and permit these to eat.
Exercise 4: Awaiting a Treat

- Put your pet in the sit position and give them a reward.
- Have a goody inside your other hand, held several feet right above your dog's head.
- Slowly lower your hand using the treat toward your canine's mouth. If your dog ever gets up or lunges for that treat, pull your hand back up and set your dog back in the sit position. Do not give them a reward this time around.
- Continue to repeat this motion before you can get you and treat several inches before your dog's mouth. So long as your pet continues to be sitting quietly and waiting, you can give him the treat.
- Next, attempt to continue doing this exercise, but with your hand several feet to the side or in front of your dog. Exactly the same rules apply in various directions. If your dog ever gets up and lunges toward the treat, put them during the sit position, and check out again.
Final Thoughts
Teaching your dog to wait patiently for things and obey some simple commands can sort out many situations.
When taking a walk or which makes them dinner, you don't want your dog to be unmanageable.
These are pretty straight forward tips and tricks which you can use to show your pet to be very patient, wait for food and treats, and most importantly, you should use these concepts like a framework for teaching these to behave well.
These can be quite fun exercises that you simply and your dog can work on to have better dog impulse control and make them a much better family member.