Brit drivers might be forced to pay around

BRITISH drivers are being left countless pounds out of pocket after road collisions that aren't their fault.
But there's a simple way to avoid hefty charges when someone causes any sort of accident while driving.

A recent study by the RAC discovered that greater than a third of British drivers happen to be slapped with extra charges for 'non-fault' collisions, simply because they didn't have motor legal insurance.
Motorists are being left with bills for his or her own insurance excess, travel expenses, injury claims and lack of earnings, that aren't covered underneath the insurance of the at-fault driver.
According towards the survey, drivers were spending lb215 on average following any sort of accident that was caused by another vehicle.
But motorists who have been instructed to make injury claims paid out a significantly higher average of lb2,036 – using the highest uninsured losses totalling almost lb3,100.

Motor legal expenses insurance is designed to make sure drivers don't miss out financially if they are involved with a road traffic collision that's not their fault.
It covers loss of earnings, policy excesses and the price of creating a injury compensation claim.
In the survey, the majority of drivers not covered said they hadn't bothered with motor legal insurance because they had never used it in the past and thought it was a total waste of money, or i never thought they'd require it.
But for a small annual fee, Brits could end up saving themselves much more if they get right into a collision.
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Motorists could possibly get covered for just lb15 each year with RAC Legal Care Plus, as the average policy elsewhere is still only around lb30.
The RAC policy also covers individual drivers, and can provide financial aid for several motoring incidents.
RAC Legal Services gm Paul Evans said: “Many people believe that the at-fault party's insurer covers all of the costs following a collision, but this is not the case as even in the best scenarios drivers still need to pay their excesses which could be easily lb150 or even more.
"Add in to that particular travel expenses, lack of earnings and the price of making a injury claim and it must surely be wise to be sure you have cover.
"RAC Legal Care Plus is extremely competitive just lb15 a year and it is a standalone product meaning it can be purchased at whenever and not simply with your auto insurance.
"Additionally, it features a free 24/7 legal counsel telephone helpline too, offering advice on any personal legal matter inside the UK.
“We is going to be trying to let motorists know they can buy motor legal expenses insurance directly as a standalone product, as our research found that most have a tendency to think it is only really sold as an add-on when getting auto insurance.”