Protect your house from Halloween pranks

Ah, Halloween. The only real day it's appropriate for regular people to dress up like clowns, zombies, or superheroes. Well, except for Comic Con.
Even though law enforcement personnel are extra vigilant in that night, there are bound to be both kids and adults who feel the need to pull Halloween pranks. Some are harmless, like tossing toilet tissue over a tree. Others, like throwing eggs at someone's house, have more potential for damage and are a problem to wash up.
Here's how you can keep your home safe this Halloween.
Stay at home
Many people opt on Halloween, deciding to be pretty much anywhere apart from at home providing candy to some couple of kids with terrible costumes. Coping with trick-or-treaters is annoying, and, based on your neighborhood, you might hand out $50 or $100 worth of candy.
I can easily see why people get annoyed with the whole process.
But if you are seriously interested in protecting your home, you will not only want to live there for the night, but you'll also want to make you're around. Switch on your porch light, your living room light, and maybe a few bedroom lights as well. Allow the place shine as bright as possible make it, and you will discourage the egg throwers and toilet paper artists.
This is going to be beneficial to the 99% of youngsters that do not want to cause any problem too. Lighting up the way to your door will ensure nobody trips or suffers every other injuries.
Give out good stuff
Halloween is sort of as an institutionalized form of blackmail. Kids won't egg your house in exchange for getting free candy. It's not a fair arrangement, but you need to endure it.
This means that you're stuck giving out something kids wish to eat. Create elevate you to ultimately a higher level and provide out apples. Those apples probably will not return at your door once you close it, but on Halloween, why go ahead and take chance?
Get a motion sensor
Many of the teenagers hold back until most people are asleep on Halloween night to pull business shenanigans. This makes sense; if there are fewer people around, they're less likely to obtain caught.
Good thing there's a method to combat this without keeping the lights on through the night. A motion sensor will go off when somebody gets closer you which ought to be enough to discourage any potential trouble makers.
Buy insurance
For years in my small town, local kids raising money for various school events offered Halloween insurance.
For a minimal premium of say $20 – businesses paid more, obviously – the kids would undertake down to clearing up after any eggers, toilet tissue artists, or apple throwers. It offered peace of mind, and when as it happens the insurance premium was paid for naught, at least a homeowner can feel nice about supporting a great cause.
So check around; I'm certain somebody in your area is providing Halloween insurance.
Keeping your home safe during Halloween really comes down to one thing – light. So long as you keep your home and yard well lit, you'll protect both yourself yet others from those who go bump at night.