Damaged road 'epidemic' puts

BRITAIN's “pothole epidemic” is costing motorists a minimum of lb1 million per month as repairs soar, the AA has revealed.
The motoring organisation revealed the amount of pothole-related insurance claims it has handled since the start of year are up 171 per cent on the same period in 2021.

And they demanded Transport Secretary Chris Grayling control an issue i was told that was becoming a “national disgrace”.
The number of pothole claims since January has totalled an astounding 4,200 – a lot more than the whole number for 2021.
The average repair bill is lb1,000 meaning a total bill to date this season of lb4.2 million.
The AA added that call-outs for patrols to supply assistance following pothole damage has doubled.

Janet Connor, AA's director of insurance said: “In most cases the harm caused by a pothole – a ruined tyre or perhaps two tyres and maybe one of the wheels rim – doesn't justify making an insurance claim considering that it is likely to result in the lack of your excess with no claims bonus.
“So the claims we are seeing are clearly much worse .”
She added: “The pothole epidemic is becoming simply a national disgrace.”
The World Economic Forum now ranks Britain 27th in the world for the quality of their roads, below Chile, Cyprus and Oman.
Chris Grayling announced an additional lb100 million-worth of funding to road repairs in March.
But he admitted Britain hadn't spent enough on the countrys' roads because the 1980s.
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