Foods Dogs Can’t Eat


There are some foods that people can eat which are also great for dogs, but how about foods dogs can’t eat?

There are lots of foods that people don’t give a second thought at eating and think it will likely be suitable for dogs to eat also but that’s really simply not the situation with lots of foods.

Below you’ll discover the foods that you ought to not feed to your dog.

Fruits Dogs Can’t Eat


Avocados aren't safe for dogs to consume. It is because is that avocados have a substance that is toxic to dogs called persin.

Persin isn’t a problem in humans however in dogs it may cause vomiting and diarrhea.


The stems, leaves, and pits of cherries contain cyanide, which is toxic to dogs in small amounts so it’s best to avoid giving your pet cherries altogether. Some types of cherries come with these parts of the cherry removed, but they are usually manufactured with large amounts of sugar, which makes them unsuitable like a pet food too.

Cyanide causes the blood cells to not be able to consume enough oxygen. In case your dog transpires with eat cherries, monitor your dog for signs of cyanide poisoning, which include breathing trouble, dilated pupils, and abnormally red gums. If your dog shows these signs, you need to bring your dog towards the veterinarian or perhaps an animal hospital.


Eating the fruit of citrus plants is may cause mild stomach irritation in dogs, so that area of the plant isn’t deadly serious. Another areas of the fruit (the peel, stems, leaving), however, contain citric acid and oils that can cause irritation in the stomach and more seriously, central nervous system depression.


Grapes and raisins are highly poisonous to dogs, so you should NEVER feed your dog grapes or raisins under any circumstances. Surprisingly, the scientific community has still not had the opportunity to determine precisely what substance within grapes causes them to be so bad for dogs but the thing to understand is the fact that dogs should never eat them.

Some signs that the dog may show should they have eaten grapes include vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration/increased thirst, lethargy, and abdominal pain. Grapes/raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs.


While the red a part of tomatoes isn’t a problem, the green parts of tomatoes are toxic to dogs. The green parts of tomatoes contain solanine, that is toxic in dogs. It might take a lot to result in severe poisoning but it’s better to avoid the risk altogether.

Vegetables Dogs Can’t Eat


Garlic might be great for humans, but it is highly toxic to dogs, so you should not feed your pet garlic.

Along with onions, garlic belongs to the allium family, containing thiosulfate, a substance that's harmless in humans but toxic in dogs. In dogs, thiosulfate may cause anemia by doing oxidative harm to red blood cells.

Symptoms of garlic toxicity in dogs include weakness/lethargy, rapid breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal pain, appetite loss, and much more.


You should not let your dog to consume wild mushrooms that the dog may across outside as many seem to be highly toxic in dogs. Some of the less serious the signs of mushroom poisoning in dogs may include diarrhea, vomiting, weakness/lethargy, and stumbling. However, much more serious things can happen if a dog ingests poisonous mushrooms, including jaundice, seizures, coma, as well as death.

If your pet ingests an outrageous mushroom found outside, you need to take your dog to the veterinarian and when you are able to, bring in an example of the mushroom so that your veterinarian knows what they’re dealing with and can take action accordingly.

Store-bought mushrooms are mainly acceptable for dogs but we usually cook mushrooms with garlic, butter, onions, along with other things that dogs shouldn't eat.


Onions, much like garlic, are members of the allium group of plant foods, that are toxic in dogs, so you should never feed your pet onions. Every part of onions is toxic to dogs; the onion itself, the leaves, juice, and any products produced from onions, for example onion powder, are toxic to dogs too.

Onions are toxic in dogs partly simply because they contain N-propyl disulfide, which in turn causes oxidative damage to red blood cells and anemia in dogs.

If you think your dog has got into some onions, some signs to look for include weakness/lethargy, fainting, dark urine, decreased appetite, and unnaturally pale gums. If your dog is showing these symptoms, you need to get her or him to a veterinarian or animal hospital.

Other Foods Dogs Can’t Eat

There are lots of foods apart from vegetables and fruit that dogs shouldn’t eat, which you’ll find below.


It is going without saying, but dogs should never have alcohol and if you have alcoholic beverages sitting out, you should be careful to make certain that your dog doesn’t enter into them. Luckily, many dogs do not discover the smell and taste of alcohol appealing.

The harshness of alcohol and it is effects on dogs varies around the weight and size from the dog, which kind of alcohol was ingested (liquor has higher alcohol content than beer, for instance), and just how much.

If you think your dog has ingested alcohol, search for these indicators and consider seeking veterinary assistance: vomiting, drooling, insufficient coordination, slowed breathing, and hypothermia.


Dogs should not eat almonds. Almonds aren’t digested well by dogs and may cause obstructions in the esophagus, windpipe, and intestines, particularly in small dogs. Almonds also contain high levels of fat, which could cause pancreatitis in dogs.

The flavorings that almonds often come in are bad for dogs as well, like if they’re salted. This can lead to salt toxicity in dogs.

If a dog eats almonds, it might result in these symptoms: gas, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and loss of appetite. If your dog is showing these signs, there’s no need to panic but it’s a good idea to call your veterinarian.


Chocolate is toxic to dogs. It is because is that it contains caffeine and theobromine, which cause issues with the central nervous system and lift heartbeat.

If your dog happens to consume a small bit of chocolate, it in all probability won’t be considered a serious issue, specifically for larger dogs. If your dog eats an entire chocolate cake as well as other great deal of chocolate, however, you need to get in contact with your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline.

Symptoms of chocolate poisoning in dogs include diarrhea, vomiting, more frequent urination, abnormally high heartbeat, restlessness, tremors, seizures, and even death.


Cinnamon is not toxic to dogs however it may cause digestive and skin irritation, which means you shouldn’t allow your dog to consume it. Also, if your dog inhales cinnamon powder, it may cause breathlessness, coughing, and it is a choking hazard.


Coconut isn’t toxic to dogs but should probably be avoided because its oils may cause upset stomach and diarrhea in dogs. Coconut water ought to be avoided due to its high amounts of potassium.

Ice Cream

You should avoid letting your dog eat frozen treats.

Dogs’ digestive system are not developed to digest milk and dairy. As a result, when dogs eat dairy many times, it leads to symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting.

Ice cream is also loaded with a lot of sugar, that is bad for dogs and results in putting on weight, just as it does in humans.


Nuts alllow for great snacks for people but nuts, generally, are unhealthy for dogs and some are even downright toxic if dogs ingest them.

One issue is that nuts of all shapes and sizes pose a choking hazard for dogs. Nuts are also high in fat, that is harmful to dogs’ weight and may cause pancreatic problems in dogs.

Other nuts, like macademia nuts particularly, are very toxic for dogs.


It would have a lot of nutmeg to result in serious toxicity in a dog, but dogs should not eat it. It may cause stomach discomfort and pain. The myristicin in nutmeg is the reason why it toxic and may lead to disorientation, hallucinations, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and seizures.


Dogs don’t process salt exactly the same way humans do. Dogs shouldn't have salt or salty foods, as it can certainly lead to extreme dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, tremors, seizures, and even death in extraordinary instances.


Xylitol is really a sugar substitute that is dangerous to dogs. Xylitol causes dangerous increases in insulin and blood sugar in dogs that may be life-threatening.

Baking Dough

Any type of baking dough isn't good for dogs.

If dough is ingested by dogs, it can lead to the dough expanding and distending the dog’s stomach.

Also, the uncooked sugars and yeast in dough can ferment inside a dog’s stomach, leading the alcohol poisoning. It can lead to dangerous drops in blood pressure, blood sugar, seizures, and respiratory failure.


It’s important not to be of the opinion that dogs can simply eat exactly what humans do safely. As you can see, there are lots of foods that people eat that aren’t safe for dogs to eat.

If a situation pops up that you feel like you need to feed your pet something that isn’t traditional pet food or treats, refer to this list.

Do you want to know what foods your pet CAN eat? You may be interested in this content:

  • What Fruits Can Dogs Eat? 16 Safe & Healthy Fruits for Dogs
  • What Vegetables Can Dogs Eat? 8 Healthy Veggies for Dogs