Canadians are happiest with these property insurance companies

When it comes to satisfying customers, property insurance providers in Quebec are outperforming insurers in Ontario, the Atlantic region and Western Canada, a new survey has found.
Quebec residents gave property insurance companies within the province a score of 800 on the 1,000-point scale, according to J.D. Power's latest edition of their Canada Home Insurance Satisfaction study. Incidentally, Quebec also offered the cheapest average premium rates of all the survey regions: $984 each year.
Meanwhile, home insurers in Ontario and also the Atlantic region received a score of 753, and insurers in Western Canada fell in last place, having a score of 740. Customers within the Ontario and Atlantic region pay an average of $1,260 in annual premiums, while customers in Western Canada pay slightly less – $1,248.
J.D. Power's annual survey asks Canadians to take five factors into consideration when assessing the level of satisfaction they got from their insurance carrier. These 4 elements range from the products and policies offered; price; billing and payment; customer support in general; and just how claims are handled.
Here's phone top companies in each region regarding customer satisfaction:
The Personal (830)
Industrial Alliance (824)
Belairdirect (809)
Ontario and the Atlantic region
The Co-Operators (791)
RBC Insurance (774)
Allstate (764).
Western Canada
BCAA (800)
The Co-Operators (779)
TD Insurance (749).
“Insurers who want to increase share of the market as well as attract and retain customers need to shift focus and improve in areas that most influence customer satisfaction,” said Tom Super, director of the insurance practice at J.D. Power.
“Highly satisfied customers have better policy lifetime expectancy scores and are more likely to recommend their insurer to friends or family.”